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About Us

"The tree with the deepest roots in the earth grows tallest in the sky."


Earth + Sky is about building bridges between the outer and inner worlds of the body (EARTH) and mind (SKY). 


The earth represents everything solid, physical, and tangible. This world can be explored and observed through touch, taste, smell, physical activity, sport and play.


The sky represents a more subtle layer of experience. This is the inner world of dreams, hopes, inspiration, willpower and imagination.


We help inspire people to live with new strength and power. Our guiding principle is that we are all far more capable and powerful than we have been made to believe. We seek to expand the range of our potential through time-tested methods derived from ancient wisdom.


Our Story

Living your best life doesn't have to be complicated. Everyone deserves to have access to practices that help them live with more joy, balance and harmony. 


This is why we created Earth + Sky.


Earth + Sky was formed by Cambria & Theo (aka "Cameo"); two kindred spirits with a shared desire to create a space where people are empowered to live their happiest, healthiest and most fulfilling lives.


We believe that by knowing ourselves and rising above our self-limiting beliefs we can open up a life of unlimited opportunity and potential.

Cam info


My name is Cambria.

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Cambria started practicing Yoga 8 years ago for fitness reasons. This soon changed as she began to see the huge benefits from a mind and soul perspective. After a year of consistent practice she began the journey of becoming certified as a Yoga Teacher to share the practice with everyone. Her goal is to make Yoga more accessible for every being+body. She currently teaches Rocket Yoga, Flow, and Yin Yoga in Kitchener & Toronto, but strongly believes in being a student first. Senior student/junior teacher is her philosophy.


In June 2021 Cambria experienced her first cold plunge.  It was not an easy experience for her, as she was met with her own resistance and mental blockages. With assistance from the Stay Unbounded community, she got into the ice, and it changed her world.  Now, it is at the top of the list for her wellness/mindfulness routine. She believes it merges perfectly with yoga  allowing her to use techniques learned from the Yoga practice into the Cold Water Exposures and vice-versa.


Theo info


My name is Theo

Raised in the Church as the son of an Anglican minister, I have dedicated my life to the exploration of Spirituality. Before my teenage years, I began studying comparative religions and pretty soon the fascination with exploring the unknown took hold. I began the practice and study of Tarot in my teens along with Astrology.


Since then my path has been interesting to say the least. I have been blessed to study with some very Knowledgeable Teachers and even a few Masters. Some of the lineages I have been initiated into or affiliated with are secret while others more well known. Here are some of them:


Christopher Warnock, Baba Hariharananda, Don Abrams, Namkhai Norbu, Sifu Terry Dunn, Max Christensen, Santiago Dobles, Tao Semko, Master Chunyi Lin.


In 2016 I was ordained a priest in the Universal Gnostic Church. I have also received numerous empowerments from various Tibetan Lamas in Mahayana Buddhism, Dzogchen, Tantra Yoga, Tibetan Yoga (Tsal Lung Trul Khor), Meditation and Shamanic Tantric healing. I was certified in Clinical Hypnosis in 2016 at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.


You will certainly benefit from the bag of tricks I have acquired over the course of 25+ years of study. My clients will tell you that I am not only passionate but capable about getting you the results you seek. 

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